The Olympians

The Olympians is a SFW Tears of Themis zine following the theme of Greek deities and mythology. The zine will be for profit and will feature ships.

Mod Seiciy

Head, artist, & shipping mod

Zine Experience
Head, Shipping & Graphics Mod of Hilibrew Cafe Zine
Artist Contributor for MXTX Furby Zine & What Would Happen If MDZS zine

Mod Haru

Head, artist, & social mod

Zine Experience
Head, Graphics, Formatting, Social Media, & Artist Mod for Fantasia! Zine
Head, Formatting, & Artist Mod for Hilibrew Cafe ZineHead, Artist, & Social Mod for Reminesense: VNC ZineArtist Contributor of Requiem of Solitude Zine and more

Mod Chisu

Graphic mod

Zine Experience
Artist Contributor for Spy x Family Zine
Artist Contributor for Dio Brando Zine

Mod Cavalierious

Writer mod

Zine Experience
Writer Mod for Immortals of Teyvat, Genshin Importals Zine
Writer Mod for If the Sk8 Fits, A Sk8 the Infinity ZineWriter Mod for Faces and Facades, a Zelda Masquerade ZineWriter Mod for Circuit Noir, A Genshin Cyberpunk zine


Interest Check 2: April 25 - May 16Contributor Apps: June 2 - June 23Apps Results: June 30Check-in 1: July 20Check-in 2: August 20Pre-orders: February 25 - March 25


Will this zine be based only on Olympian gods?
No, this zine will include all Greek deities.
Will ships be allowed?
Yes, as Tears of Themis is an otome game, any and all ships will be allowed!
Where will the zine’s profits go?
As this zine is for profit, profits will be split between all participants by percentage on how much is contributed to the zine.
How will minors be compensated? Minors will only be able to receive compensation through a full bundle of the zine.Will this zine be physical or digital?
This question will be determined after the interest check ends.
What will international shipping look like, if this zine goes physical?
As we do not have a set weight and size, we cannot provide an exact answer. However, we can say that we will do our best to make all international orders as inexpensive as possible.
Will the artists and mods receive a copy?
Yes, all contributors will receive a copy of the zine, be it digital and/or physical. At the chance we do not receive enough sales, contributors may use their earned compensation towards purchasing the zine at production costs.
What are the guidelines for the participating artists?
Participating page artists will have 1 page, aside from a few spread artists. Your file will need to be a CYMK to provide the best printing quality. A template will be provided to all participating artists!
What are the guidelines for the participating writers?
Samples shouldn't be above 10k so we can review them. They can be multi-chapter, but under that word limit. Shipping is allowed, as long as it remains romantic and not NSFW. If some of your samples contain triggering or mature topics, but are pieces that reflect your work and abilities, they are ok, but please make sure that Tags are visible so we can also assign your samples to someone who is ok with those
What platform will we be communicating through?
We will be communicating through Discord.
Do I need zine experience to apply?
No, you do not need prior zine or other project experience.
How old must I be to apply?
All applicants must be 15+.
When will contributors be compensated?
All artists will be paid through Paypal after preorders are finished. If you do not wish to receive compensation, then your share can be donated to the charity of your choice.
Where can I reach out to gain more information?
If your question was not answered in the FAQ then send an email or use our ask box on tumblr!

~ Guidelines ~

Zine Specs
A5 format, PUR, CMYK, 300 Dpi
Fics will be between 1.2k - 1.6k.
We plan to accept 12 more artists, 1 writer, and 2-3 merch artists.
Note that the mods will be considering pitches as we decide on the final contributors.Artist Applications
Must have an understanding of color, anatomy, lighting, composition, and the ability to draw backgrounds, be it simple or complex.
3 sample pieces. Preferably at least one being Tears of Themis or mythology related, though it is not a requirement. NSFW samples are prohibited.
A portfolio of your choice. If using Google Drive, please be sure to grant us access to your folder.
Merch Applications
Must have an understanding of color, anatomy, and designing merch itself.
3 sample pieces. Preferably at least one being Tears of Themis or mythology related, though it is not a requirement. NSFW samples are prohibited.
A portfolio of your choice. If using Google Drive, please be sure to grant us access to your folder.
Writer Applications
Must be able to portray a character's personality, mannerisms, speaking, and actions effectively.
3 sample pieces, 2.5K or less. Preferably at least one being Tears of Themis or mythology related though it is not a requirement. NSFW samples are prohibited.
A portfolio of your choice. If using Google Drive, please be sure to grant us access to your folder.